Our Projects
We develop, promote, and implement a large number of projects from different areas across Hesse and Germany. Here are some of our projects – some of which have been completed, others are currently underway.
YouthCoaching Activation Councelling
This model project is intended to strengthen the self-confidence of young people with a migration background and thus prevent extremism.
Welcometo Germany
We help to develop bilateral measures and strategies to create a healthy welcome culture for immigrants in a community.
Our mosquein the middle of our city
The project is intended to involve representatives of the mosques in existing committees of the city / community, thus reducing reservations, promoting integration and facilitating networking with associations, day care centers, schools and other religious or church organizations.
Activating, Consultation, CoachingEntry into the health and nursing professions
The project aims to introduce people with a migration background to professions in the non-academic health and care sector.
Culture-sensitiveCulture-sensitive elderly care project
Implementation of modules for the culture-sensitive care of the elderly in the regular training and recruitment of migrants for the care of the elderly.
Intercultural medical outpatient clinicin Gießen
The intercultural-medical outpatient clinic at the University Hospital Gießen and Marburg (UKGM), location Gießen, helps to improve the medical care of migrants in hospital operations and at the same time serves to open the hospital inter-culturally.
TRIALOGMusic for the one God
New Year’s concert in Gießen with sacred music from Islam, Christianity, and Judaism in 2017. The three monotheistic world religions respectfully meet at eye level as a moving plea for open cooperation and so, despite all the differences, the bridges between the different spiritual traditions are above all recognizable.
The “Genç Prize” was created in memory of the exemplary behavior of the Genç family, who fell victim to a right-wing extremist arson attack in Solingen in 1993. The award is intended to honor people who, despite a xenophobic experience, make a great effort for peaceful coexistence.
Avicenna-Award e.V. (for intercultural understanding)
In 2005, the Avicenna Prize Association was founded by members from science, politics, and society. The prize, which recognizes pioneering initiatives by people or institutions for intercultural understanding, should be awarded at regular intervals.
Project to prevent violence and addiction among migrants in cooperation with local sports clubs and other existing local offers.
Preventionof extremism
Both xenophobia and the tricks of extremist groups are increasing. It is therefore important to educate children and young people about the tricks of these organizations. The parents of the adolescents should also be informed, that regardless of their religion or anyone is susceptible to joining extremist groups.
ConnectionAssociations & migrants
Project for networking with social organizations as an intercultural partner to quickly and permanently integrate migrants with disabilities.
frühstartGerman and intercultural education in kindergarten
Qualification of educators as well as parental companions, language support as well as intercultural education and parental work in day care centers.
Parents promote schoolImproving educational opportunities for migrants
Here, parents with and without a migration background meet with experts to be informed about special topics such as ADS / ADHD or the promotion of bilingualism.
Strengthening migrants against addiction and violenceprevention through parent work and intervention
The prevention project for violence and addiction problems is intended to serve by training multipliers who lead parent groups and to organize parent seminars for migrant families as an aid to integration and education, addiction prevention and intervention work.
Chronically ill and workingTips and Pointers
Tips and information for chronic sufferers for those affected in Turkish, as well as their families and employers.
Rheumatism projectHelp and self help
Migrants from Turkey who suffer from rheumatism are introduced to help themselves. They should be empowered to set up a self-help group on their own in the meantime.
Davet Project
Project to increase the use of preventive examinations for insured persons at the AOK Hessen with a Turkish migration background and residence in Dietzenbach.
Diabetes research
The working group „Regenerative Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes“, consisting of Gießen, Marburg and Istanbul scientists, is researching new therapeutic routes for people with diabetes mellitus.
Saving energy means protecting the climate
Together with Hessische Energiespar-Aktion, the project provides information to Turkish property owners and tenants about ways to save energy in the home – in an understandable manner and in their own language.